UNDAC Network

EU, UNDAC and Swiss Humanitarian Aid Members standing in front of the rubbles of the Port explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, 2020.

The UNDAC Network can draw from a rich diversity and collective strength stemming from member/participating countries, international and regional organizations, individual UNDAC members, UNDAC Operational Partners and like-minded UNDAC enthusiasts. It is committed to swift response and coordination, and embodies professionalism, efficiency, and collective action.

UNDAC System Membership

The UNDAC network comprises over 80 member and participating countries, along with 23 UN agencies, international and regional organization’s, and NGOs. Member countries maintain UNDAC mission accounts to cover deployment costs, while participating countries receive financial support from contributions to OCHA or through special agreements.

UNDAC Team Membership

At the core of UNDAC’s effectiveness are its UNDAC team members, seasoned experts linked to their respective sponsoring countries or organizations. National UNDAC members bring invaluable experience in disaster management at both national and international humanitarian response levels. Similarly, members from international organizations possess expertise in international humanitarian coordination or specialized sectors. OCHA trains these individuals in the UNDAC methodology for sudden-onset response coordination.

Trained UNDAC members who, for various reasons, are not deployable, represent a huge asset for the UNDAC system. They are considered a source of support for the UNDAC system as a whole, as well as, on occasion, specific support to UNDAC missions and activities.

Other Network Components:

Beyond core members, the UNDAC network encompasses a broader community of supporters, advocates, enthusiasts. This global network includes individuals who, through past participation in UNDAC teams, awareness courses, or other training events, have developed appreciation for UNDAC’s role, services, and methodology. The wider UNDAC network is encouraged to promote understanding and acceptance of UNDAC within their own organization, country or region, as well as provide mission, training or other kinds of remote support.